Experience by doing

MasterShip colleague Gijs is building his own houseboat.


‘If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.’ Generally not a proverb used positively… but sometimes it’s a different story. 

The Netherlands is in the middle of a housing crisis. Adequate living space is hard to come by. Luckily for our project manager Gijs van Beek, he has an exceptional hammer at his disposal.

“About a year ago, I decided to build a motorized houseboat. From scratch. A project that doubled as a housing solution and an educational program. This experience is taking me through all the different roles and design phases that are common in shipbuilding”.

Making the detailed design in MasterShip software was a breeze. Especially with the help of my very knowledgeable colleagues. As we speak, the first phase of the build is finished. The hull is assembled and coated. On to the next stage: building the superstructure!”

Pictures: Navisworks (hull). During build. Finished build.

To be continued.

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